User groups with group admin


I’m trying to understand if user groups are possible using kratos : a groups of users will have a group admin wich has global admin privileges on that group. If this feature is not present, is it interesting/present in any roadmap for the product ?


Hi, i am also looking for some groups kind of support, wherein multiple users can be added a group and authorization can be driven using groups.

Kratos is only solving authorization, for ACL and permissions you could use e.g. Keto, or your custom solution.

You can of course use the identity schema to store group membership and roles. But interpreting the implications of that is out of scope for Kratos.

Thanks for the reply. so the identity schema does support groups? i mean identity management features mentioned in Kratos,i did not find something for groups

You can add arbitrary data in the identity schema, therefore also group membership. You can then use the /whoami endpoint in some other service to check if the identity belongs to a specific group. But it is really up to the implementation as Kratos itself does not know how to interpret any of that.

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