Url matching in authenticators

Hi guys! Good day to everyone!

I was following the discussion in this feature request: https://github.com/ory/oathkeeper/issues/205
By comment, the URL matching in authenticators is now possible, but I just can’t make it work… I didn’t find that in docs.
I tried either using Go Templates:

    "match": {
        "url": "http://oathkeeper/v2/action/<.*>",
        "methods": [
    "authenticators": [{
        "handler": "oauth2_introspection",
        "config": {
            "required_scope": ["{{ printIndex .MatchContext.RegexpCaptureGroups 0 }}"],
            "scope_strategy": "exact"

either by variables, like using keto_engine_acp_ory:

"match": {
        "url": "http://oathkeeper/v2/action/<.*>",
        "methods": [
    "authenticators": [{
        "handler": "oauth2_introspection",
        "config": {
            "required_scope": ["$2"],
            "scope_strategy": "exact"

and many other variations with no success…
Could, please, someone help me how to have the dinamic scope?

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Which version are you using?

I’m using the last one for Oathkeeper (v0.37.1-beta.1).

Reading the older docs, I realized that olders versions was using the variable format, example: $1.
The newer versions match the URL regex using Go Templates:

{{ printIndex .MatchContext.RegexpCaptureGroups 0 }}


But this apparently only works for authorizers, not for authenticators…It just doesn’t parse it in authenticators

It’s possible that this is not supported in the introspection authenticator right now. If you want, open an issue and/or PR!