Hi guys! Good day to everyone!
I was following the discussion in this feature request: https://github.com/ory/oathkeeper/issues/205
By comment, the URL matching in authenticators is now possible, but I just can’t make it work… I didn’t find that in docs.
I tried either using Go Templates:
"match": {
"url": "http://oathkeeper/v2/action/<.*>",
"methods": [
"authenticators": [{
"handler": "oauth2_introspection",
"config": {
"required_scope": ["{{ printIndex .MatchContext.RegexpCaptureGroups 0 }}"],
"scope_strategy": "exact"
either by variables, like using keto_engine_acp_ory:
"match": {
"url": "http://oathkeeper/v2/action/<.*>",
"methods": [
"authenticators": [{
"handler": "oauth2_introspection",
"config": {
"required_scope": ["$2"],
"scope_strategy": "exact"
and many other variations with no success…
Could, please, someone help me how to have the dinamic scope?