Token introspection results is "Not Found" for fresh access-token

I have a problem using the access token I get from exchanging the authorization_code. I created a simple hydra service with a docker-compose config like this:

    image: oryd/hydra:v1.5.0-alpine
        - 9000:4444
        - 9001:4445
        SECRETS_SYSTEM: ak2387tfh238rgfaifh38
        DSN: memory
        URLS_SELF_ISSUER: https://localhost:9000/
        URLS_CONSENT: http://localhost:9020/consent
        URLS_LOGIN: http://localhost:9020/login            
        URLS_LOGOUT: http://localhost:9020/logout 

Then I create a client

docker-compose exec hydra \
    hydra clients create \
    --skip-tls-verify \
    --id klient \
    --secret geheim \
    --endpoint https://hydra:4445 \
    --grant-types authorization_code,refresh_token \
    --response-types code,id_token \
    --scope openid,offline \
    --callbacks http://localhost:8085/logincb

Then I use my own app to start the auth flow. I am successfully navigating through the login and consent screen of the hydra demo authorization provider ([email protected] login) and I get redirected to my app with an authorization code. My app (python) exchanges this successfully into an access token:

{'access_token': 'ARLEJ8BM2b4J1gbEvw9f1Jm5zZ0xMNT_byRd8kY38aI.3vJrhKXV9zuw5ElUbxJ2HyuXcOsUm7lcOnP2Hctxzis',
'expires_at': 1590170597.26878,
'expires_in': 3599,
'id_token': 'eyJ.shortened...Z-t',
'scope': ['openid'],
'token_type': 'bearer'}

Then I want to use the access token to get data from the userinfo endpoint. I do this right after I got the token. Or I just want to introspect the token with this:

docker-compose exec hydra \
    hydra token introspect \
    --skip-tls-verify \
    --endpoint https://hydra:4444 \
    --client-id klient \
    --client-secret geheim \ 

In both cases I get “Not Found” as response.

hydra_1            | time="2020-05-22T17:32:59Z" level=info msg="started handling request" method=POST remote="" request=/oauth2/token
hydra_1            | time="2020-05-22T17:32:59Z" level=info msg="completed handling request" measure#hydra/public: https://localhost:9000/.latency=105771500 method=POST remote="" request=/oauth2/token status=200 text_status=OK took=105.7715ms
hydra_1            | time="2020-05-22T17:32:59Z" level=info msg="started handling request" method=GET remote="" request=/oauth2/userinfo
hydra_1            | time="2020-05-22T17:32:59Z" level=info msg="completed handling request" measure#hydra/public: https://localhost:9000/.latency=148400 method=GET remote="" request=/oauth2/userinfo status=404 text_status="Not Found" took="148.4µs"

I expect to get a json response with userinfo.

I went into the hydra_db container and looked at the table hydra_oauth2_access and saw an entry

select * from hydra_oauth2_access;
                  signature                  |            request_id            |        requested_at        | client_id | scope  | granted_scope | form_data |                                                
               |   subject   | active | requested_audience | granted_audience |           challenge_id           
 pEd4_etYALpOPQ-Wspd8naPKcox-7suXBGSsA_1xobU | 877a70fc6bf94daaad62482f2dec642e | 2020-05-23 11:48:01.328474 | repods    | openid | openid        |           | UNARPrU2wIGnGQhubfhOIB6Jb5bS5GwBLH7JpannoToCz-R
t1BwS6FvPYCv8= | [email protected] | t      |                    |                  | 877a70fc6bf94daaad62482f2dec642e

but I really don’t know what I’m doing here.

If you check the docs you will find that the userinfo endpoint is not /oauth2/userinfo but /userinfo:

That’s it, thanks! :flushed: