Hey everyone,
So I’ve successfully set up and configured my hydra server multiple times now (and even have a working consent app). However, I don’t have a stable server yet (still running on localhost) so I have to set up my server again every time I shut down my computer.
Almost every time I’ve had to do so, I’ve had issues with the following step:
docker run --link ory-hydra-example–postgres:postgres -it --entrypoint hydra oryd/hydra:v0.10.0-alpha.8 migrate sql $DATABASE_URL
It gives me an error like this
ERRO[0075] An error occurred error="Could not connect to SQL: dial tcp xxx.xxx.xxx:5432: getsockopt: connection refused"
INFO[0075] Retrying in 0.100000 seconds…
And I’m unable to figure out why or how to fix it. Sometimes if I switch from one docker tag to another, I’m able to migrate, but other times it won’t work no matter what I do. Has anyone encountered this issue before? What do I do?