[SOLVED] Configure consent app in external server

Hi, I am trying to configure hydra with the golang example and now am really stucked and need some orientation. Here is my situation: I have 3 servers:

  1. ServerA running postgres
  2. ServerB running hydra in Docker
  3. ServerC running some Go apps, here I want to run the golang example

I installed hydra and configured it as the documentation determine, also I ran the migrations on the DB server and everything’s ok until here. Now, when I go to the ServerC to run the example, I get:

Could not connect to Hydra because: Post http://ServerB.IP:9000/oauth2/token: malformed HTTP response "\x15\x03\x01\x00\x02\x02\x16"
exit status 1

In the hydra-consent-app-go I edited the main.go file and put these lines:

if client, err = sdk.Connect(
		sdk.ClientID(env.Getenv("HYDRA_CLIENT_ID", "some-consumer")),
		sdk.ClientSecret(env.Getenv("HYDRA_CLIENT_SECRET", "consumer-secret")),
		sdk.ClusterURL(env.Getenv("HYDRA_CLUSTER_URL", "http://ServerB.IP:9000")),
	); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Could not connect to Hydra because: %s", err)

Then, I went to the ServerB to check the running processes and ports, I typed: docker container ls and get this:

4d2c0db7e23c        oryd/hydra:latest   "/bin/sh"                27 minutes ago      Up 27 minutes       4444/tcp,>4445/tcp   determined_snyder
7c586393ef61        oryd/hydra:latest   "/bin/sh -c '/go/b..."   34 minutes ago      Up 34 minutes>4444/tcp             someContainer

Then, I typed: sudo lsof -i -P -n and get this:

docker-pr 15057 root    4u  IPv6 486152035      0t0  TCP *:9000 (LISTEN)
docker-pr 15224 root    4u  IPv6 486156778      0t0  TCP *:9010 (LISTEN)

Am I pointing to the correct port from the hydra-consent-app-go?

I also checked the logs of the docker container, and I have this:

2017/07/23 15:24:42 http: TLS handshake error from ServerC.IP:49046: tls: oversized record received with length 21536

I followed this instructions. What should I take in count to configure the consent app in another server then?

You are accessing https over http which is why ypu get a malformed http response (because its https)