Revoking specific login sessions

Looking to implement a way to log all other sessions (sessions that are not the currently connected user). You’ve probably seen this security feature in other web apps, something like:
(ip address is blacked)

I am using Hydra for first party app
I can use the api to invalidate all login sessions of a certain user:

But cannot get login sessions for certain subject afaik?

Any way to work around this ?

More use cases:
Log out all other sessions after password reset, email login change etc

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What do you mean by that? Are you looking to invalidate the sessions at your RP (Relying Party / OAuth2 Client) or in Hydra?


I am using Hydra for first party app.
I do not manage a session, I rely on Hydra for that. So you can say the access/refresh tokens hold the session.

Therefor, to invalidate other sessions for a user, I need to invalidate all other access tokens.

There’s an api to delete all login sessions for a specific subject:

DELETE /oauth2/auth/sessions/login?subject=string

Maybe need an api to get all login session for a subject

GET /oauth2/auth/sessions/login?subject=string

So that I can delete specific ones:

DELETE /oauth2/auth/sessions/login/{id}

Or something of that sort.

I am not sure if that is something you consider in Hydra’s scope or not. I think the use case is valid, it is common to log out all other connected users in password reset flows. But the use oh Hydra for first party app is less common I guess.

Another work around is to bypass Hydra’s api and do it directly on Hydra’s database

I see, I believe we could add the invalidation of specific session ids with DELETE /oauth2/auth/sessions/login?sid=string. How would you differentiate between the different SIDs though?

I would need to first GET all login sessions for a subject. I would need that so I could show all the active login sessions for the subject and possibly revoke each one individually.

Currently there’s no GET all login sessions, there’s one for consent sessions though:

GET /oauth2/auth/sessions/consent?subject=string

Revoking “all others” would require to iterate and make the http call in a loop.

How would you contextualize those sessions? We are currently not storing any additional information (e.g. User Agent). You would maybe need to do that in the login app, where you get the sid, and store that sid with additional info (e.g. user agent, ip, …)?

This is in fact a good use case to transport over to ORY Kratos. We’ve already added some stub info to the session (user agent, ip, …).

However I do get the need for both of those API endpoints, I think it makes sense to add them and it should actually not be too much work if I’m not mistaken.

I think I was confusing between login sessions and the oauth tokens (access/refresh)

I see that accept login request endpoint accepts context object:

  "acr": "string",
  "context": {
    "property1": {},
    "property2": {}
  "force_subject_identifier": "string",
  "remember": true,
  "remember_for": 0,
  "subject": "string"

But that is not related to the oidc tokens and doesn’t carry over to the token’s accessTokenExtra which I can get on token introspection.

The login session “invalidate all” endpoint clearly says:

This endpoint does not invalidate any tokens and does not work with OpenID Connect Front- or Back-channel logout.

Therefor, as for my understanding, it will not really log out anyone already holding an access / refresh token, their tokens will still be valid.

What I need is a way to invalidate access tokens for specific sub or username properties of the access token. This is discussed in here:

Sounds awesome!

looking for the same answer.
After reset password, I want to invalidate all access/refresh_token for a specific user.

Please do not use access tokens as proof of authentication. Revoking an access token is not the same as deleting a user session. It is simply not the same thing. Don’t do it.

What you want is probably revoking access for a specific oauth2 application (think of GitHub 3rd Party Apps or Google 3rd Party Apps etc):

Again, this has absolutely nothing to do with login.

Hi all,

Sorry for digging up this post, but I have another use case that may need the requested feature of specific login session revocation.

When the user check the remember checkbox in my login page, I tell hydra to remember the user for, let’s say, a week in the login accept request. Which means that during a week, at each times the user will want to authorize a new application it will be automatically logged in and redirected to the consent page.
On this consent page I would like to display a button switch account, in order to give to the user the possibility to change the currently connected account.

The way I handle this feature currently is by getting the consent request information with the GET /oauth2/auth/requests/consent request, then I use DELETE /oauth2/auth/sessions/login with the Subject I retrieved in the GET call.
And then I redirect the user to RequestURL which I also retrieved in the get consent information call. (RequestURL contain the original url used on the authorization endpoint)

The problem with this way of doing is that I revoke all the login session of the user, which means that if he is connected on his laptop and his smartphone, if he click the switch account button on his laptop, he will also be disconnected on his smartphone.

The reason I think the capacity of revoking specific session would be useful is that in the get consent information call, I retrieve the login session of the currently logged-in user. So instead of revoking all his session I could be able to revoke only it’s current session.

Also, as it’s one of my major concerns currently, I can be up for developping the feature and proposing a PR if you are ok with the requested feature.

If you want to switch the account, simply redirect the user to the original OAuth2 Auth URL and append prompt=login!

Ok thanks a lot

i’ve the same use case, let already logged in user switch the account.

Using propt=login the user is redirected to login provider and the “skip” flag is set to false and the subject is empty this way the user is forced to login again, there is a way to be aware that the user is already logged in and just want to select another account? something like “prompt=select_account”?

In my use case, the user is the same they only have different roles claims, so the access_token need to be changed.

Any hint?

select_account is unfortunately not supported at the moment in ORY Hydra :confused:

Hi @hackerman, thanks for reply.

Do you see any problem in doing something like this to change the user account :

  1. client send authn request with prompt=login, login_hint and id_token_hint
  2. hydra send to login provider with skip false, but with idtokenhintclaims and login_hint, the id_token is validated by hydra to avoid tampering with claims
  3. login provider validate the subject present in id_token claims and decide if should skip the login form and just present the user with a list of his own account or if login_hint is provided preselect that one.
  4. login provider accept loginrequest and proceed with consent provider

Thanks in advance