Retiring this forum and migrating to GitHub Discussions!

Dear ORY Community,

today we announce our move from this self-hosted discourse forum to Github Discussions:

It was great hosting our own forum and being able to shape this enviroment exactly how we wanted it and discourse is a really good open-source implementation for this. However being a small team we spent too much work maintaining, upgrading and bug fixing on the forum. We would much rather spent this time developing more open source technology!

That is why we are moving this forum over to Github Discussions. It is a fully integrated discussion forum in Github, and since we are already using Github heavily, this seemed like a natural move. There will probably a period of transition, but we are confident that the move will benefit the community in the long run.

The content will be read-only from now on and eventually archived or transferred.
If you have any feedback or questions regarding this move, feel free to contact us Slack or open a discussion on Github ;).

Looking forward to seeing you there!