Hi everyone,
For a project I’m currently working on we have decided to use Hydra for handling the OAuth mechanism of our API.
Our main application is developed using React.JS and is a Single Page App (SPA). As we want our user to be “permanently” logged in, we have decided to use an authorization code grant flow with PKCE since we can’t provide a client secret as the source code is easily readable.
The whole authorization code grant flow works very well and we can get our access_token
and refresh_token
without any problem.
My issue is how to resfresh this access_token
. At each time I try to use the /oauth/token
endpoint I get an error about not providing the client_id and the client_secret in authorization basic form, even if my clients contain: "token_endpoint_auth_method": "none"
A strange point is that there is never any mention of refresh token in the RFC 7636, is it possible to refresh a token without providing a secret ?
Sorry if it’s a silly question but I wasn’t able to find an answer on the many sites I’ve checked
Thanks in advance for your answers