I followed the tutorials in the docs and created a docker instance of Hydra. Using the docker commands I can create a client and do all the stuff that I am supposed to do.
In order to use HTTPS I created my own certificates and it worked so far.
However, now I try to use the Go client, where I get the error
panic: Get "https://localhost:9000/health/alive": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
after trying out both
package main
import (
client_admin "github.com/ory/hydra-client-go/client/admin"
client_public "github.com/ory/hydra-client-go/client/public"
func main() {
adminURL, _ := url.Parse("https://localhost:9001")
c := client.NewHTTPClientWithConfig(nil, &client.TransportConfig{
Schemes: []string{adminURL.Scheme}, Host: adminURL.Host, BasePath: adminURL.Path})
isInstanceAliveParams := client_admin.NewIsInstanceAliveParams()
ok, err := c.Admin.IsInstanceAlive(isInstanceAliveParams)
if err != nil {
package main
import (
client_admin "github.com/ory/hydra-client-go/client/admin"
client_public "github.com/ory/hydra-client-go/client/public"
func main() {
adminURL, _ := url.Parse("https://localhost:9001")
c := client.NewHTTPClientWithConfig(nil, &client.TransportConfig{
Schemes: []string{adminURL.Scheme}, Host: adminURL.Host, BasePath: adminURL.Path})
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), oauth2.HTTPClient, &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
newClientParams := client_admin.NewUpdateOAuth2ClientParamsWithContext(ctx)
isInstanceAliveParams := client_admin.NewIsInstanceAliveParams()
ok, err := c.Admin.IsInstanceAlive(isInstanceAliveParams)
if err != nil {
In the second version I tried my own version of bypassing the check with InsecureSkipVerify set to true. I am not sure, however, if that is correct the way I did it. Anyway, I wasn’t able to solve the problem.
I didn’t find anything in the docs regarding to this problem specifically, since it is purely of the Go client in my understanding.
Any ideas?