Hi, I’ve been previously using postgres as installed by docker. I’m now trying to move this to use a postgres database we’ve set up in RDS instead and can’t get the migration to work.
Running the following command sudo docker run -it --rm --network dev-hydra oryd/hydra:v0.11.6 migrate sql postgres://ousruser:ourpass@xxxxxxxx-postgresql-rds-dev-wip.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:5432 results in the following error message error=“Could not connect to SQL: pq: database “ouruser” does not exist”.
Issuing a similar command but removing the username:password nets me a different error ** error=“Could not connect to SQL: pq: Could not detect default username. Please provide one explicitly”**.
I can’t find any hints on any forums or searches and I’m still very new to Hydra. Is there any documentation on connecting to other databases? Everything I see uses docker to pull a postgres package to the same machine running Hydra. I’ll keep searching but feel stuck so I’d appreciate any help.