Kratos: pq: value too long for type character varying(255)


I’m POSTing to /self-service/browser/flows/verification/email/complete and run into some kind of database constraint. I have configured Kratos to use AWS SES, and my username and password are quite long, so the connection_uri parameter is 108 bytes long, but that’s still < 255, so what could cause this error?

Here’s part of the stack trace from the log:

kubectl logs ory-kratos-799478ff74-5xdkc -n ory --since=5m
time="2020-04-07T07:45:05Z" level=info msg="started handling request" method=POST name="public#" remote="" request="/self-service/browser/flows/verification/email/complete?request=9c0d9147-5f68-4201-9451-e24ca9d4ee70"
time="2020-04-07T07:45:05Z" level=debug msg="Sending out verification code." via=email
time="2020-04-07T07:45:05Z" level=debug msg="Sending out verification email." via=email
time="2020-04-07T07:45:05Z" level=warning msg="Encountered self-service verification error." details="pq: value too long for type character varying(255)\n\n\t
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/sqlcon/error.go:47\n*Persister).AddMessage\n\t
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/router.go:334\*CSRFHandler).handleSuccess\n\t
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/handler.go:187\n

Hi, this is resolved on master but I think not yet released…