I have two apps: one that runs Hydra, and another that uses Kratos.
I would like to register the hydra-app as an external OAuth provider in my kratos-app. For that purpose, I configured my kratos-app in the following way:
enabled: true
- id: my-hydra-app
provider: generic
client_id: fc00bb7e-991c-42bb-934e-fad51b136ecd
client_secret: 92ba1115-8cbe-4cd4-a0bc-f2ff6f69863c
mapper_url: file:///etc/config/kratos/my-hydra-app.data-mapper.jsonnet
auth_url: https://my-hydra-app.com/oauth/oauth2/auth
token_url: https://my-hydra-app.com/oauth/oauth2/token
issuer_url: https://my-hydra-app.com/oauth/
- email
- profile
I registered my kratos-app in my hydra app using the following callback:
When the user executes the login flow, the following error appears:
The request was malformed or contained invalid parameters reason:Unable to complete OpenID Connect flow because the OpenID Provider returned error "invalid_scope": The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed status
Any idea what I’m doing wrong?