How to start with Kratos

I’m trying to get started with integrating Kratos with my company’s application. What’s the best way to get started? I was planning on hosting my company’s application locally and mooching off the quickstart.yml to bring up Kratos locally. I’m assuming I’d need to change the values in to point the login and registration screen of my application. Is this a good approach? Are there better ways of doing local development with Kratos?

The best way to start is the Quickstart, since it is really easy to setup and tweak some stuff around. (Here is a quick video how to run it)
Where you go from there depends on what you want to do with it.

I highly recommend reading the “Concepts” tab in the documentation, if you haven’t already.
Usually almost everything is documented, if there is anything you can not find or are having trouble with, let me know.
You can also check out our community Slack and get in touch with other developers.

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