I’m trying to find info on scaling and High Availability for (atm) Hydra. The main website suggests that Hydra is designed to scale, but this seems more to be focused on the feature/requirements side than on workload side.
Think I remember reading that Hydra scales well with the resources you throw at it, but nowhere did I find any more specific numbers/guidelines.
So as for scaling, am I correct that the way to scale Hydra is by vertical scaling or can Hydra also be scaled horizontally, by clustering multiple Hydra instances?
Also, could not find any info on High Availability strategies for Hydra? Can Hydra instances be clustered? Or can you just run multiple instances against the same database?
Some info/guidelines would be appreciated.
Some background from our side: we’re contemplating using Hydra in a Kubernetes environment to handle the authentication on the api of our saas application