Getting started with Hydra

Hi all
I am new in Hydra world and would like to use it. I followed the tutorial on but for example, the statement

hydra connect --url https://localhost:9000 --id admin --secret admin-password

does not work.

My hydra server is up and running

 docker logs silent-data-ory--hydra
Config file not found because "Config File ".hydra" Not Found in "[/]""
time="2020-03-19T20:00:43Z" level=info msg="No tracer configured - skipping tracing setup"
time="2020-03-19T20:00:43Z" level=info msg="Establishing connection with SQL database backend" dsn="postgres://*:*@silent-data-ory--postgres:5432/hydra?sslmode=disable"
time="2020-03-19T20:00:43Z" level=info msg="Successfully connected to SQL database backend" dsn="postgres://*:*@silent-data-ory--postgres:5432/hydra?sslmode=disable"
time="2020-03-19T20:00:43Z" level=warning msg="JSON Web Key Set \"\" does not exist yet, generating new key pair..."
time="2020-03-19T20:00:45Z" level=warning msg="JSON Web Key Set \"hydra.jwt.access-token\" does not exist yet, generating new key pair..."
Thank you for using ORY Hydra v1.3.2+oryOS.17!

Now I need a good tutorial, how can I integrate into my app. Would be nice, if someone could provide an example in go.


Please use the official documentation at . We can not guarantee the correctness of tutorials from other companies!

I’ve read the documentation on the website but it does not explain, how can I use it, for example with Go. It is not beginner friendly or maybe I am stupid.

Does it exist any tutorials for very beginner?


You don’t need Go. Have you seen the 5 minute tutorial in the docs?

@hackerman I will try but first I need It is production ready?
