Hi, I am trying to set up hydra step by step. When running hydra in docker, I tried to disable telemetry, but I could not find a way to do so (at least the log always says “Setting up telemetry”). I tried passing --disable-telemetry as a cmd line option and also -e DISABLE_TELEMETRY=“1” as per manual to no avail.
Looking in the source code I see that in newHealthHandler() (which is called from RunHost() -> registerRoutes()) the function GetMetrics() gets always called, no command line switches are processed for this calling sequence. Wouldn’t that mean that telemetry is always enabled?
Or maybe I haven’t set the cmd line switches correctly, I start hydra like this:
docker run -d --name ory-hydra-prueba --network hydranet -p 9000:4444 -e SYSTEM_SECRET=$SYSTEM_SECRET -e DATABASE_URL=$DATABASE_URL -e ISSUER=https://localhost:9000/ -e CONSENT_URL=http://localhost:9020/consent -e FORCE_ROOT_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS=admin:demo-password oryd/hydra host --disable-telemetry
Kind regards!