Debian package repo?

Hi all,

Has anyone built a deb or host one somewhere?


After some research it looks like this is the recommended way for any golang things:


Not yet but it would be interesting to support that! Looks also like goreleaser can support this:

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That looks good. It’s just for an inbetween stage for us and having an official deb repo for Buster would be amazing.

I have never submitted a deb to the official package repo. Is there any reason you don’t want to use the shell script install method or docker?

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I want to run it via systemd as a server process and all the other things. I’ll do it via ansible and the related systemd things. It’s perfect for a Raspberry PI debian.

I want to run this on a very light VM for now with little storage, so Docker will fill up as we move forward. It will live in a Docker Swarm in the new year, which will then become a new k8s deployment.

I see - so right now we don’t really have a process here but contribs would be welcomed!