Hydra does not send back an access-control-allow-origin header with an options request to /userinfo. This is after explicitly setting the CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS env variable. The header to allow cross-origin doesn’t get sent even with the default * origin settings.
Please, always, include the version you’re experiencing the issue with.
hydra version 0.11.12
Please provide more info, like the environment variables that you’re using and also a request example (screenshot works)
Hydra is running with --dangerous-force-http and --skip-tls-verify as a local docker container
Only environment variables are DATABASE_URL, SYSTEM_SECRET.
When i add export CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:3000
and restart hydra, the header to allow localhost doesn’t still get passed in the response.
Seems like you’re not properly setting CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:3000
. Are you indeed setting that variable in the Docker container? Remember, setting env vars in Docker works like this:
docker -e CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:3000 -e DATABASE_URL=... ...
it does not work like this:
export CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:3000
docker run ...
That is not how i am using it
docker run -d \
--name ory-hydra-example--hydra \
--network hydraguide \
-p 9000:4444 \
-e ISSUER=http://localhost:9000/ \
-e CONSENT_URL=http://localhost:9020/consent \
-e FORCE_ROOT_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS=admin:demo-password \
oryd/hydra:$HYDRA_VERSION host --skip-tls-verify --dangerous-force-http
export SYSTEM_SECRET=this_needs_to_be_the_same_always_and_also_very_$3cuR3-._
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://hydra:secret@ory-hydra-example--postgres:5432/hydra?sslmode=disable
export HYDRA_VERSION=v0.11.12
# export CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:3000 << ignore this for now
below is the command i’m using
docker run -d \
--name ory-hydra-example--hydra \
--network hydraguide \
-p 9000:4444 \
-e ISSUER=http://localhost:9000/ \
-e CONSENT_URL=http://localhost:9020/consent \
-e FORCE_ROOT_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS=admin:demo-password \
oryd/hydra:$HYDRA_VERSION host --skip-tls-verify --dangerous-force-http
But that aside, it should work since the default is to allow * origins. https://github.com/ory/hydra/blob/f7f010adaa4e9d22d3e4a883886906b83639516a/cmd/host.go#L168
Please make hydra respond with the correct Headers when a preflight (OPTIONS
) request is made to /userinfo
Make hydra pull the settings configured via -e CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=comma,separated,values
and add all of them when an options request is made or respond with * when none are available.
Here is an image of a CORS request, CORS conformant browsers won’t complain about. Note the Response headers.
But that aside, it should work since the default is to allow * origins.
This is documented incorrectly. If you do not include the environment variable then CORS will be disabled. This will work, just try it:
docker run -d \
--name ory-hydra-example--hydra \
--network hydraguide \
-p 9000:4444 \
-e ISSUER=http://localhost:9000/ \
-e CONSENT_URL=http://localhost:9020/consent \
-e FORCE_ROOT_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS=admin:demo-password \
oryd/hydra:$HYDRA_VERSION host --skip-tls-verify --dangerous-force-http
And obviously, you also need to set the other CORS values.
If you can’t seem to get it working (for example because you forgot to whitelist a needed header, a method, or whatever), just set CORS_DEBUG=true
and it should give you information why the preflight/cors request fails.
I know that the CORS feature works, because the ORY Security Console works which needs this feature, so it has to be your configuration.
Thank you so much for your time helping me get to the bottom of this. And for Hydra and for making it open source. Thank you.
Here is where I am now: I am running hydra the latest master (v0.11.12) branch locally with CORS_DEBUG=true
Don’t know how to interpret this. Multiple Preflight requests are failing with both GET and POST. Not sure why.
You need to allow the HTTP methods CORS_ALLOWED_METHODS
and probably also CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS
. Or, if you can’t get it working, use a proxy like Kong in front.
You can try this:
- CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS=Authorization,Accept,Accept-Language,Content-Language,Content-Type
that’s the settings we use for the security console to work
Thanks. I got it working with config like given.